Thursday, July 05, 2007


time, like a drop of water shining brilliantly under the glow of the sun
brilliant and magical for a moment, ordinary the next as it integrates into the flowing river that is time, stopping for none. For as we have an enjoyable moment, it seems to flow faster, like torrents down a waterfall, releasing misty droplets that form rainbows under the afternoon sun.
It could also move along calmly, slowly, beautiful and serene, peaceful with every moment we take to stoop down and smell the roses.

Time, once gone forever gone...that is what makes memories so precious.

and precious indeed is the time spent in Katoomba, Blue Mountains.

lazy upload pictars, maybe later :p

p.s: i am now once again a free man, after the freakin exams, now time to relaaxxx. boy do i enjoy taking hiatuses

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