Sunday, September 02, 2007

natural or goof?

that's the first and foremost question asked. and perhaps one of the most important questions involved in either the make or break attempt at snowboarding.

well, say no more...i'm a natural, which refers to the position of your left leg facing forward while boarding down a slope. Goof refers to your right leg facing forward while going down a slope.

did not bad at my 1st attempt at snowboarding, was stumbling and kept on crashing in front of skiing chicks in beginning but i got the hang of it later on.

got my heelside and toeside down pat, well almost, also successfully learnt the S-curves..woohoo, although i still cant do it well on steep slopes. i can now maneuver around snow muahahahaha...

also not forgetting my greatest crash yet...3 revolutions tumbling down a slope...magnificent...if only it was caught on video...

the location (noob slope by the way...this is chicken feed)
the equipment (actually abit more equipment involved)

also thanks to my 2 awesome snowboard sifus, pastor dave and tanga!

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